Briana Anderson Briana Anderson

Briana Anderson

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Location: Asheville, NC

Year Certified in Lagree: 2018

Briana Anderson found Lagree Fitness over 10 years ago in Los Angeles while working as a physical aide for a boy in a wheelchair. As the boy grew into a young man, the physical demands of the job increased significantly and Briana thought she would need to resign. After only one month of transitioning out of the gym and onto the Megaformer, she had the strength to confidently and safely assist him again. This changed the course of her life.

Briana got Lagree Certified over 5 years ago after the birth of her son. Getting to practice and teach Lagree postpartum was massively empowering and grounding as a new mother. She thoroughly enjoys witnessing the magic of Lagree week after week, as new students walk through the studio doors and find exactly what they have been looking for.

Before her Lagree career, Briana was an American College of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer in New York City. She was a three sport athlete in high school and a collegiate basketball player. She holds a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and a master’s degree in spiritual psychology. She brings knowledge of the body and fitness and fuses them with skills and practices of the mind and spirit. This combination allows Briana to take her students beyond their perceived limitations to unlock massive growth on and off the Megaformer.

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